The Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN) has called on President Bola Tinubu to step up measures to alleviate the difficulties experienced by Nigerians.

[YOWICAN issued this plea in a communiqué following its National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Abuja on Sartuday. Expressing concern over the escalating cost of living, the body highlighted widespread hunger and suffering among Nigerians.

The council also denounced the increasing insecurity, particularly recent attacks targeting Christians in Plateau state and other regions.

YOWICAN called for the immediate arrest and prosecution of a Muslim cleric allegedly advocating for the killing of President’s wife, Oluremi Tinubu, due to her Christian faith. It stressed the urgency of preventing further security deterioration.

“The NEC is advocating for the public prosecution of the cleric and urges restrictions on his preaching in Nigeria to deter others,” the communiqué stated.

Moreover, the association criticised the mounting youth unemployment and urged the government to implement policies to address this challenge.