Professor Akin Abayomi, the Commissioner for Health, announced last night that cholera has claimed the lives of fifteen people in Lagos State.

This was revealed by Abayomi during her speech about the measures taken to contain the outbreak in Lagos.

He disclosed that 350 suspected cases of cholera had been reported in 29 wards spread across several LGAs in Lagos State; of those, 17 cases had been confirmed, and 15 had resulted in fatalities.

According to Abayomi, the number of cholera cases in the state is declining, according to a ministry statement.

“The laboratory investigation and test results have so far confirmed Cholera sub-type O-1. This subtype is associated with more severe disease. The pattern of new cases per day varies across LGAS, according to our ongoing surveillance and monitoring updates,” the health commissioner said.

According to a statement signed by Tunbosun Ogunbanwo, Director of Public Affairs at the state Ministry of Health, the government has turned on its Public Health Emergency Operations Center located at Mainland Hospital in Yaba, Lagos.

It stated that the PHEOC was called in response to the rising number of cases of severe gastroenteritis occurring in several of the state’s LGAs.

Abayomi verified the cholera outbreak in the state on Tuesday, stating that it led to approximately 60 hospital admissions and, regrettably, five fatalities, mostly from patients who arrived late and were severely dehydrated.