According to the World Health Organization, terrible scenes of children starving to death were discovered during an aid mission to two hospitals in northern Gaza, where there were severe shortages of fuel, food, and medical supplies, Turkish TRT World reports.

The findings were “grim”, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on X, adding that “The situation at Al Awda was particularly appalling, as one of the buildings is destroyed”.

The Kamal Adwan hospital, the only pediatrics hospital in northern Gaza, was overwhelmed with patients, he said. “The lack of food resulted in the deaths of 10 children,” Tedros said.

Meanwhile, alarming video showing Israeli tanks purposefully running over Palestinians was released by the Geneva-based organization Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

These crimes are “part of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip,” according to the Geneva-based organization, which described them on Monday.

Euro-Med reported several cases of Israeli forces running over Palestinian civilians alive, including a man on February 29, a family on January 23, displaced people in December 2023, and another family on February 20.

It also called for “An independent international investigation committee specialising in Israel’s ongoing military attack on the Gaza Strip.”

Israel has launched a deadly offensive on Gaza following a cross-border incursion by the Palestinian group Hamas on October 7, 2023.

As the ensuing Israeli bombardment entered its 150th day – Israel has killed at least 30,534 Palestinians, mostly children and women, and wounded 71,980 others with mass destruction and shortages of necessities, according to TRT casualty count.