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Catholic Bishop Criticizes President Biden on Abortion, Gender Theory: ‘He’s Just Stupid’

A Catholic Bishop Robert Gruss In Michigan, United States has addressed the discord between President Biden’s policies and his Catholic faith, advocating for “forgiveness” for what he described as the president’s “foolishness.”

During his lecture titled “Forgiveness as the Heart of Christianity” at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw, Bishop Gruss referenced President Biden as an example.

According to reports from Fox News, Bishop Gruss urged congregants to release unproductive anger and resentment towards others as part of their Christian practice.

The cleric cited his own experience growing up with an alcoholic father and a letter he wrote in adulthood forgiving him for the trauma of his youth.

While reflecting on his own feelings towards Biden, who has embraced a public affiliation with Catholicism while also supporting abortion, gender ideology, and other policies contrary to Church teaching, the bishop said he pities him.

“I don’t have any anger towards the president. I feel sorry for him. I’m not angry at him, he’s just stupid,” Gruss said.

The comment provoked renewed laughter from the audience, though the bishop remained serious.

“It’s not stupidity in the derogatory way, it’s stupidity in the sense of … he doesn’t understand the Catholic faith.”