The Corporate Affairs Commission says the CAC achieved major strides under President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime.

CAC registrar-general Garba Abubakar said this in an interview in Abuja.

“All that we have been able to achieve, all the reforms from my appointment to the amendment of CAMA, to all the regulations that we have issued, were done under this administration,” Mr Abubakar stated. “And it has been fantastic. We have never gotten to this level in our company’s new development in Nigeria, and we have never had a registry that is fully digitised before now.”

He pointed out that “for the first time, Nigeria is recognised by the Comity of Nations as a country that has a publicly available register,” claiming that “no government has achieved that before.”

According to the CAC registrar-general, Nigeria has become a reference point globally.

“We are even invited to speak globally on some of these reforms at no cost to Nigeria,” he said.

He reiterated that a delegation was coming from other countries to attend the inauguration of CAC’s beneficial ownership register, describing it as “one of the landmark achievements of the present administration, which would support the anti-corruption initiative of the government.”

“The delegation is coming to understudy what we have done in the commission. So the government has excelled,” added Mr Abubakar. (NAN)