Senator Ita Enang
Senator Ita Enang

Buhari’s aide sheds more light on Executive Order 10

NEWS DIGEST – The Secretary of the Presidential Implementation Committee of the Executive Order 10, Senator Ita Enang, at the weekend, gave an insight into how the newly signed order by the President will operate.

Enang, who is also the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), while briefing selected journalists in Abuja, explained the Accountant General of the Federation will henceforth deduct monies from states that fail to remit what is due to any arm of government and remit same directly to either the State House of Assembly or the State Judiciary.

According to him: “Where the state fails to remit the money due to any arm of government in the consolidated revenue of the state, upon receipt of money from the Federation Account and the Internally Generated Revenue, the Accountant General of the Federation will deduct the same amount standing to the credit of that state in the Federation Account and remit directly to the House of Assembly of that State of the Judiciary of that State”.

He added: “It is important to emphasis that this deduction is not a first line action, it is only when the state governor fails to remit the money of any Arm of Government or when one Arm is oppressing the other it will be reported and the Executive Order 10 will be implemented”.

He however allayed the fears of Governors, stating “what the President is doing is to ensure that each House is independent not with the purpose of attacking the Executive but for the purpose of checking the Executive and ensure good governance.

“The greatest problem we have in our democracy today is wastage at the state level, that is why people look up to President Muhammadu Buhari for everything without knowing that money has been given to the State but misused by the governors”.

But Governors have insisted that the order is unnecessary and a violation of Section 121(3) of the 1999 Constitution.