The bomb squad has been sent to a prominent Kenyan opposition politician’s Nairobi home after a device was hurled into his compound early Wednesday, local media reported.

The attack on the home of Wiper Democratic Movement (WDM) leader Kalonzo Musyoka came a day after he failed to turn up to a controversial ceremony at which his colleague Raila Odinga swore himself in as the “people’s president,” the Nation reported.

A security guard told police that people in two vehicles drove by the home, fired guns and hurled an object that looked like a grenade into Musyoka’s compound in the affluent suburb of Karen at about 2 a.m. (2300 GMT Tuesday).

Karen police spokesman Cunningham Suiyanka said that no one was injured.

Odinga and Musyoka are co-principals of the National Super Alliance and Musyoka was supposed to have been sworn-in as Odinga’s deputy at Tuesday’s ceremony, which was held despite warnings from the attorney general that it was potentially treasonous.

Several local TV channels were taken off the air early Tuesday to prevent them from screening the event.

A political crisis erupted in Kenya last year after the Supreme Court threw out the results of an August election – won by President Uhuru Kenyatta – due to irregularities.

A re-run of the election was held on October 26. Kenyatta won by a huge margin after Odinga boycotted it and called it a “sham.”

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