Boko haram Terrorists
Boko Haram Terrorists

Again, Boko Haram Terrorists kill 32 Soldiers, Loot Weapons

At least 32 Soldiers were killed by Boko Haram terrorists in an attack on a military base and in an ambush in Borno State.

Military sources told AFP Thursday that at least 17 soldiers were killed in a fresh Boko Haram attack on a military base in the Borno, the third assault on three different bases in less than a month.

Another foreign media New York also disclosed that 15 soldiers were killed in an ambush in Damask.

On Wednesday evening, heavily armed jihadists riding in trucks stormed and looted weapons and vehicles from a military base in Garunda village in Borno State, the epicentre of the Islamist insurgency that has been raging for nine years.

The attack is the latest of a series of bloody Boko Haram assaults on military bases in Nigeria, underscoring the continued threat the Islamists pose to the region and putting the spotlight on the Nigerian government’s claim that Boko Haram is “decimated”.

“Our troops came under attack from Boko Haram terrorists in Garunda last night,” a military officer told AFP.

“Unfortunately we lost 17 troops, 14 others were injured while an unspecified number is still unaccounted for,” said the military source, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorised to speak on the incident.

The source added that the militants looted weapons and vehicles before fleeing.

In the past month, Boko Haram jihadists have launched two other major assaults on military bases in the remote northeast region.

On July 14, jihadists suspected to be loyal to Abu Mus’ab Al-Barnawi, who is affiliated with the Islamic State group, attacked a base in Jilli village, in neighbouring Yobe state.

Dozens of troops were killed, wounded or missing, according to several security sources.

The army conceded the base was attacked but did not give a death toll, saying that the “troops reorganised and successfully repelled the attack and normalcy has since returned to the area”.

On July 26, the Islamists stormed a base on the outskirts of Maiduguri, the state capital of Borno state.

The base attacked yesterday in Garunda village of Borno state had just been set up for troops from the 81 brigade who had been stationed in Jilli village and forced to move after the July 14 assault.

“The truth of the matter is that the troops in Jilli were relocated to Garunda where a new base was established,” said the second military source, who gave a similar death toll.

“Troops were just setting up and the excavator operator was working to fortify the base with trenches against attack from the terrorists when the attack happened,” said the officer.

On the ambush and eventual death of 15 soldiers and a NEMA official occurred on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 in Damask area of Borno.

According to a report by New York Times, the soldiers and the NEMA official were killed during an ambush by the insurgents.

The death of the soldiers, according to the report, is coming weeks after 20 troops allegedly went missing in an attack.

“We lost 15 troops. Our men were carrying out digging of trenches at Damasak yesterday when the Boko Haram terrorists opened fire on them,” the report quoted a military personel.