President Muhammadu Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari

BMO explains why Buhari cancelled security contract in N/East

NEWS DIGEST–The Buhari Media Organisation has condemned the report by a security expert, Colonel Eeben Barlow, which faulted the commitment of President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration to end the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East.

The group, while describing Barlow as a “South African soldier of fortune masquerading as a private military contractor,” said the report was full of insidious insinuations.

BMO vigorously refuted the “tissues of lies emanating from Barlow in relation to the termination of his contract in the war against Boko Haram.”

In a statement signed by its Chairman, Niyi Akinsiju, and Secretary, Cassidy Madueke, the BMO said the resolve of the regime to further train and upgrade the operational capabilities of the Nigerian Armed Forces was the key reason for ending the inherited hiring of mercenaries.

“The inability of the PMC to react appropriately to meet emerging threats in the North-East, the evolution of fresh strategies for the war and strong collaboration with our neighbours made the termination of the PMC contract necessary by the Muhammadu Buhari-led administration.

“The Nigerian security services have made remarkable successes in the fight against insurgents in the North-East by pushing the insurgents from the ground they held, dislodging them from their base in Sambisa Forest, which was to stage the Nigerian Army Small Arms Championship.

“Barlow is deeply frustrated and profoundly displeased because the multi-million dollar security contract awarded to his company was terminated by the Buhari (administration) on assumption of office.”

The BMO stated that the Nigerian security services had consistently defeated the insurgents in scores of battles and freed thousands of Nigerians held by the insurgents and had been protecting the territorial integrity of the country.