Senator Sani Musa
Senator Sani Musa

Bandits are unleashing terror, killing my people, Niger Senator cries out

NEWS DIGEST–The Senator representing Niger East Senatorial District, Mohammed Sani Musa has raised alarm over the incessant killings of his constituents by bandits who have continued to wreak havoc on communities in Shiroro, Rafi and Munya local government areas of Niger State.

He lamented that despite several appeals and outcry by himself and the people, the situation has remained unabated as the bandits continue to unleash terror on the people.

Senator Sani Musa who raised the alarm following fresh attacks by bandits in over eight communities in both Shiroro and Munya local government areas that have lasted for more than five days also raised concern over the increasing level of hunger and starvation faced by members of the affected communities.

In a statement he signed over the weekend, the lawmaker described as unfortunate the fresh attacks in the area from 14th of January which has left two persons, including a Village Head dead while over thirty persons have reportedly been abducted.

According to him “For several months now, my people (the people of Niger East) have not had a moment of solitude. Bandits have taken away sleep from their eyes, be it in the day time or at night. Many lives have been cut short, women have been raped, some even before their spouse, children have been turned to orphans and many have been abducted with huge ransoms being demanded. Cattle are being rustled, farm produce and other valuables are stolen. This is besides thousands of persons who have been rendered homeless.”

He lamented that despite several calls and appeals to concerned authorities for action on the situation, not much has been done. According to him, he was forced to cut short his trip after he received news of the fresh attacks by the bandits.

“The havoc rendered by bandits to my people in the past few months is immeasurable and the pains indescribable.

“It is truly a sad situation that has continued to pull tears to my eyes seeing my people being put through such a torturous and inhumane treatment in the hand of a godless people supposed to give all concerned cause to worry.

“For this unwarranted situation, I had to cut short my trip and return this morning after I received the report of fresh attacks on five communities in Shiroro local government area, which include Zongoro, Kwaki, Magami, Masuku, and Maguga as well as other communities in Munya local government area. The village Head of Masuku was killed and his son abducted in the attacks which have lasted since the 14th of January. I have also gathered that not less than 30 people have so far been abducted by the bandits,” Senator Musa explained

He again appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari, the State Governor and all service chiefs in the country to provide a lasting solution to the menace.

He said, “I, therefore, wish to appeal to Mr. President the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari to come to the aid of my people. This is not the first time I am making this kind of passionate appeal but not much has been done to address the situation. I pray that his Excellency would hear my appeal this time and use his powers in this regard.

“I have no doubt that the Federal Government has the capacity to tackle the problem once and for all, considering the efforts of Mr. President at tackling the insurgency in the northeast since his assumption in office.

“I also wish to call on the Governor of Niger State, Dr. Abubakar Bello not to relent in his quest towards handling this unforgettable situation. I urge him not to relent but to continue to deploy all necessary machinery to arrest the menace once and for all.

“While I commend the resilient efforts of the security agencies in the state, I also call on them to redouble their efforts by ensuring that the perpetrators of this heinous and dastardly acts are not only flushed out but arrested and adequately prosecuted.

“The military and the police should deploy more personnel to the area. To this end, I call on the Chief of Defence Staff, the Service Chiefs and the Inspector-General of Police, to focus on the situation in Niger State and to establish more joint operations by also deploying more forces especially to Rafi, Munya and Shiroro local government areas where bandits seem to be having a field day.”