NEWS DIGEST– Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago of Niger State emphasized the importance of promoting development through innovative ideas among the Council Chairmen in the State. 

The Governor expressed this during his opening speech at a retreat organized for the 25 Council Chairmen at the Niger State Lodge in Abuja.

Themed “Empowering Local Government Leaders for Sustainable Development: Strategies, Challenges, and Opportunities,” the retreat was organized by the Ministry for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs. It aimed to equip the Council Chairmen with the necessary knowledge and vision aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other relevant objectives.

Governor Umaru Bago highlighted the need for the Council Chairmen to think creatively and outside the conventional methods to boost their local economies. 

He encouraged them to leverage their unique strengths and advantages to achieve the best possible outcomes. The Governor also stressed the importance of collaboration with the State government and urged the Council Chairmen to adopt a proactive and results-oriented approach to governance. He further encouraged them to make concerted efforts that would bring significant value and progress to their respective local government areas.

In addition, Hon. Mua’zu Hamidu Jantabo, the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, emphasized that the retreat aimed to provide the Council Chairmen with a comprehensive understanding of the current administration’s vision, particularly in theabout SDGs. The Ministry assured the Council Chairmen of its full support in effecting necessary changes and enhancing their project execution capabilities.

Chairman of the Occasion, Prof. Yahaya Kuta said the retreat was a welcome initiative that would bring development closer to the people, adding that if the Council Chairmen get it right at the grassroots, the state and the Federal governments will be better for it.

Some of the participants include the Council Chairman of Agwara, who doubles as the Chairman of the Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON), Niger State, Iliyasu Zakari, of Mashegu, Umar Jibrin Iyade, Bosso, Rakiya Bosso, Katcha, Danlami Saku, and Munya, Najume Kuchi expressed gratitude for the retreat, saying it was a wake-up call explaining that unprecedented growth and development will be their take home from the retreat.

The retreat was expected to enhance the knowledge of the participants on the role of local government in achieving the SDGs, skills in budgeting, procurement, and financial control process as well as identifying opportunities, challenges, and innovative ways forward among others.