NLC members protesting

As NLC Strike looms ,Atiku promises ‘Living Wage’ if elected President

NEWS DIGEST–As the crisis over refusal of the Nigerian Government to accede to a thirty thousand naira (30,000naira) wage demands of workers under aegis of the Nigerian Labor congress continues, Presidential hopeful, Atiku Abubakar, has promised a ‘living wage ‘ for workers if he emerges.
In a Facebook post today (Thursday ), the People’s Democratic Party flagbearer assured the Nigerian labor congress of his commitment to the public sector.
“I want the Nigerian Labour Congress, the Trade Union Congress and the generality of Nigeria’s workers to be assured of my commitment to the principle of a living wage for Nigeria’s workers. In my private enterprises, I have shown commitment to the goose that lays the golden egg, and if given the opportunity, I shall extend that commitment to the public sector.” he posted on Facebook.
The Nigerian Labor congress has threatened to commence strike on November 2nd to protest against the decision of the Federal and state government not to agree to paying a minimum wage of Thirty Thousand naira, the Nigerian Labor congress also asked Nigerians to stock food in preparation for the strike action.