The Anambra State Government through the Operation Clean and Healthy Anambra, has sealed hotels and other business premises over environmental concerns and disobedience to court summons.

Celestine Anere, the Managing Director of OCHA Brigade, who oversaw the enforcement team on Sunday, explained that the action was required because certain hotel and recreation center operators in the state had been flagrantly violating environmental laws.

Anere stated that the public uproar regarding the environmental conditions of the areas where the businesses are situated was the reason behind the enforcement.

He pointed out that the problem of breaking environmental laws has grown to be a recurring issue that seriously jeopardizes the ecosystem’s health.

He said, “More enforcement teams have been created to avail residents the opportunity to report any environmental issues around their communities.

“The state government has declared zero tolerance to environmental pollution and we are poised to safeguarding and upholding every government policy that will promote the vision of a clean, green, healthy, livable and prosperous homeland in the state.”

It was discovered that the majority of the impacted commercial spaces were found in Awka and its surroundings.

The agency and the Ministry of Environment served court notices on the premises for several weeks prior to the sealing of the property.