Andy Uba/Charles Soludo/Valentine Ozigbo
Andy Uba/Charles Soludo/Valentine Ozigbo

Anambra guber candidates refuse to condemn IPOB despite killings

NEWS DIGEST – Despite killings of innocent people and security agents in the South East, the three frontline governorship candidates — Andy Uba of APC, Charles Soludo of APGA and Valentine Ozigbo of PDP — have refused to categorically condemn the violent secessionist group unleashing terror in the state.

Responding the panelist’s question on whether they supported the activities of the proscribed group during a debate organised by Arise TV on Monday, all the three candidates neither supported nor condemn their activities.

In response to the question, Mr Uba said, “You know for me it’s not about condemning or supporting IPOB. We have to sit down and dialogue. Killing people cannot get us anywhere. That cannot give the independence or the freedom we need. For me condemning or supporting is not what I am going to say.”

The candidate of PDP also dilly-dallied and failed to give a categorical answer to the question.

Mr Ozigbo said, “In life, I have seen good men do wrong thing, and I have seen wrong men do good things. So, it’s always good to get to the activities of any group or any person, and support what is good and condemn what’s bad. There are certain things IPOB does, through agitation and on things that happened, that I support. But when they get to some extreme, then I condemn.”

On his part, Mr Soludo said, “The agitation cannot be shut down with a gun. We need to have a dialogue, bring everyone to the table and discuss specific issues that are their agitations.”