The $2.5 billion Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano, AKK, Natural Gas Pipeline Project’s contractor, Oilserv Limited, Pipelines and Facilities, EPCIC, claims it would overcome all obstacles to complete the project by July 2024.

The assurance was given by the company’s chairman, Emeka Okwuosa, on Thursday during a project site inspection in Abuja’s Pai community, which is located between the Gwagwalada and Kwali local councils.

Ekperikpe Ekpo, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Gas), oversaw the inspection.

The minister and some of the key representatives from NNPC Ltd. and Oilserv were inspecting the Pai River crossing session to see how the construction was going.

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd) is developing a 614km long natural gas pipeline called the AKK pipeline that would run from Ajaokuta through Abuja-Kaduna and Kano. Oilserv is in charge of segment A of this pipeline.

The linear segment that would carry the gas, according to Mr. Okwuosa, was roughly 80% complete, while the overall completion of the entire project had reached 55%. He expressed optimism about the timely delivery.

He listed river crossing, rock blasting, drilling, security and construction on right of way, as some of the challenges, noting that it would continue to work closely with the NNPC Ltd. to ensure timely delivery.

“We have given commitment to the minister that the project will be completed by July 2024; we are working very hard irrespective of the challenges; challenges will always exist but Oilserv has repeatedly built gas pipelines for the nation.

“The AKK pipeline will make a lot of difference because gas is energy and energy is wealth, and Nigeria has it in abundance but we have to have delivery systems to get the gas to where it is required for commercialisation.

“That is what we are doing here, and we assure Nigerians that it will be completed as stated,” he said.

The chairman, who described the project as an economic prosperity venture and a priority project of the Group Group Chief Executive Officer of the NNPC Ltd., said it was a segment of the Nigerian gas master plan meant to distribute gas across Nigeria and provide energy.

“After completion, we would be able to have gas and NNPC would be able to deliver gas to the Northern part of Nigeria and also spur development of gas in the southern part of Nigeria and create a lot of wealth as well in the south.

“With gas available, you have power, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for vehicles to run with, and reduce dependency on Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), build urea and fertiliser plants, helping agriculture and so on.

“This project will change the landscape of energy delivery, and the economy of Nigeria will change,” he added.

Mr Okwuosa, while commending the Federal Government and NNPC Ltd for their support, lauded the minister for his commitment towards the project completion, adding that the development of gas as a source of energy in Nigeria was unequalled.

“I can assure you that whatever we are doing will not be possible without the support of NNPC and we are always in sync, and they support and raise the funds to keep the project ongoing.

“Our commitment is more than 100 per cent. Though we have challenges, our job is to deal with the challenges and make sure the project is completed as scheduled,” Mr Okwuosa said.

Chigozie Obi, Group Chief Technical Officer, Oilserv, also briefed the officials on the schematic of the AKK pipeline and station installation.

He explained the progress of the project which comprised three spreads of Alpha, Brovo and Charlie with the level attained.

The minister was accompanied by Farouk Ahmed, Authority Chief Executive, Nigeria Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority; Olalekan Ogunleye, Executive Vice President, Gas, Power and New Energy, NNPC Ltd and other top officials of Oilserv Limited, among others.