Chief Paul Igbinsola, the National Vice-Chairman for the South-West region of the Accord Party, has voiced strong criticism of Governor Seyi Makinde’s administration in Oyo State. In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ibadan on Monday, Igbinsola expressed disappointment, stating that the administration’s performance over the past year has fallen short of the people’s expectations.

Highlighting key concerns, Igbinsola cited ongoing security challenges and questioned the efficacy of funds allocated to security agencies. He lamented the worsening economic situation in the state, attributing it to the administration’s failure to uplift small-scale businesses and farmers, particularly those not affiliated with the ruling party.

Furthermore, Igbinsola criticized the indiscriminate sale of lands in Government Reservation Areas (GRAs) and areas occupied by professional groups to estate developers under the guise of public-private partnerships (PPPs). He emphasized the adverse impact of such actions on agricultural land usage and accessibility to affordable housing for the masses.

Calling for a reversal of what he termed “anti-people” policies, Igbinsola urged the state government to reconsider its approach to governance.

However, in response to Igbinsola’s remarks, Sulaimon Olanrewaju, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Media, defended the administration’s record, asserting significant achievements across various sectors. Olanrewaju highlighted the completion and inauguration of approximately 170 kilometers of roads, including the soon-to-be-inaugurated Ogbomoso-Iseyin road. He also pointed out strides in education, agriculture, and workers’ welfare, citing initiatives such as school rehabilitation, provision of agricultural inputs, and prompt payment of wages and pensions.

Despite the conflicting narratives, Olanrewaju assured residents of more developmental projects and improved service delivery in the coming months.