2019 elections
Muktar Bichi

It is common knowledge that politicians would employ any trick in the book to help them win elections including hiring professionals who might give them an advantage. However, there is a new trick that can be explored.

We are in the age of digital transformation and this has opened up many opportunities in our everyday activities and this includes our businesses, politics, government and the way we connect and share with one another. Ignoring this new area would prove fatal to any politician worth his stripes.

Understanding how social media techniques can help with elections is probably the biggest challenge and proving to be the biggest headache for political campaigners and that is exactly the reason why they to turn to companies like Mvertise in an effort to stay one step ahead in the numbers game.

                           How Can Digital Marketing Drive Election Success?

At Mvertise, we are committed to targeting demographics and reaching larger audiences through the popular social media networks but what many have found interesting is the Machiavellian aspect of digitally run political campaigns and the accompanying power for candidates to damage sabotage their opponent’s election success.

I will now show you how (hypothetically) a negative digital marketing campaign could be employed to boost a candidate’s own chances of victory whilst at the same time impairing the hopes of their rivals.

  • Power of demographic targeted attacks

It is pretty easy now for politicians to produce material which attacks the credibility of their opponents without the distasteful nature of the attacks being visible to their own supporters. This is because voters become dissatisfied when their preferred candidates open the gate to vicious attacks which they become associated with.

For instance, Google and facebook can be geo targeted platforms to focus on an area or location that the target never gets to see and damage is done covertly.

  • Retargeted Attacks on Opposition Trusted Sites.

Do you know the meaning of retargeting? May be you do!!

Retargeting is when a website provides your computer with a cookie when you first visit it. That cookie may contain information about the products or services you were looking at on their site.

When you navigate away from the site, the advertising space on other sites will be filled with ads pushing the company and products you have been looking at previously.

For example, you may search for a hotel in Lagos on a leading holiday website. When you navigate away, you’ll soon start seeing ads for hotels in Paris popping up everywhere.

Now let me show you how this can help in hijacking a political opponents’ campaign.

First of all, you need to setup a website which will be visited by supporters of your opponents. Then make sure a cookie is placed on their system which will allows you to retarget your own ads to them.

Your ads can be designed to portray opponents in a negative way. Often they can appear as editorially based news stories and if displayed in the right places may even give opposition supporters the impression that their own party’s media supporters are campaigning against themselves!

In conclusion, Donald Trump has proven that any person with a will can become the president of the United States. He has used strategies with the mind of a businessman, rather than a politician. By considering his people as his clients, he has been able to distinguish their wants from their needs. He is the president, and that is a fact that cannot be changed no matter what one wants to believe. According to trump media

“I win an election easily, a great “movement” is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

Your Politically
